Extra Rooms

To remove a listing from this page, please send an email to webmaster@serc-nahro.org with the name listed.

This page will allow you to post information about room reservations that you or your agency have that you are unable to use. If you cancel your reservation, that room is no longer available to use under the SERC group rate. Instead, please post the information here regarding the rooms you have available, and if another agency needs a room, they may contact you and have the reservation transferred to their name at the reserved rate.

Name # of Rooms Conference Hotel Start Date End Date Phone Email
WALTER COLE1Annual 2025Hyatt Regency AtlantaJune 21, 2025June 24, 202514236231575wcole@nhatoday.com
Yosselin Oliva1EC Meeting 2025Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & SpaMarch 20, 2025March 23, 2025786-257-3511yoliva@hialeahhousing.org
Shaunté Evans1EC Meeting 2025Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & SpaMarch 21, 2025March 23, 202518648091856sevans@spartanburghousing.org